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The cover-up of the link between smoking and lung cancer by tobacco companies for decades.
Introduction In the early 20th century, people thought smoking cigarettes was good for you. Doctors even recommended it to patients recovering from surgery or trying
Are the Freemasons a Force for Good or Evil? Separating Fact from Fiction
Introduction Many people see the Freemasons as a sinister secret society, but they are just misunderstood. The Masons are a fraternal organization with roots in
The Dangers of Spreading Misinformation: The “Pizzagate” Conspiracy Theory
The “Pizzagate” conspiracy idea, which arose in late 2016, was an unfounded and incendiary belief. According to the hypothesis, Comet Ping Pong, a pizza restaurant
The “9/11 Truther” conspiracy theory
The “9/11 Truther” conspiracy theory claims that the US government was either engaged in or enabled the 9/11 attacks to occur to justify the wars
The Bilderberg Group
According to the “Bilderberg Group” conspiracy theory, an annual meeting of powerful economic and political elites from North America and Western Europe is a venue
The Federal Reserve is a secretive organization that manipulates the global economy for the benefit of a small group of elites.
Introduction The Federal Reserve has long been shrouded in secrecy. It was established in 1913 by Congress after a series of bank panics led to
The Government Hides A Cure For Ebola & Cancer While It Profits From Treatments
Introduction In the early 20th century, doctors noticed that cancer patients did not always present with tumors. Some research even showed that cancer could be
Inside the Freemasons: What Really Goes on Behind Closed Doors
Introduction If you’re a man between 21 and 32 years old, chances are you’ve heard of the Freemasons. But what exactly is this fraternal society
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The cover-up of the link between smoking and lung cancer by tobacco companies for decades.
Introduction In the early 20th century, people thought smoking cigarettes was good for you. Doctors
Are the Freemasons a Force for Good or Evil? Separating Fact from Fiction
Introduction Many people see the Freemasons as a sinister secret society, but they are just
Area 51 Part 16: The rumored use of Area 51 for black ops and classified government projects.
This 16-part blog series will delve into the history, mission, and mysteries of Nellis Air
Why The Official Story Behind The Murder of Martin Luther King Jr. Is A Lie
Introduction The official story behind the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. is that James
Area 51 Part 15: The Future of Nellis Air Force Base
This 16-part blog series will delve into the history, mission, and mysteries of Nellis Air
The Government Hides A Cure For Ebola & Cancer While It Profits From Treatments
Introduction In the early 20th century, doctors noticed that cancer patients did not always present
Area 51 Part 14: The Media Portrayal of Nellis Air Force Base
This 16-part blog series will delve into the history, mission, and mysteries of Nellis Air
The True Story Of The USS Maine Explosion: It Was Sabotage, Not A Sub marine
Introduction The sinking of the USS Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898, is