
Since their formation in 1717, the Freemasons have been shrouded in mystery. They are a secret society that has influenced many aspects of our lives without us even knowing it. From politics to business, entertainment, and even religion, this organization has been involved with some of the most critical aspects of society. This article will shine a light on what the Masons do and how they operate within the community. If you want to know more about this organization that secretly shapes our everyday lives, read on!

The origin of the Freemasons

The Freemasons have been around since the 17th century, formed by four merchants who lived in London.

The group’s members call themselves “free masons” because they are free from the constraints of society and can speak freely about politics or religion.

It’s unknown how many members there are, but estimates range from 5 million to 15 million worldwide, with more than 6,000 lodges in England, Scotland, and Wales alone.

Masonic symbols

The square and compasses are a symbol of the mason’s craft. The letter G stands for geometry, J for Jehovah, B for the name of God in Hebrew, and C for the word of God in Arabic.

Famous Freemasons

Masonic rituals and traditions

If you’re an outsider, the first thing you notice about Freemasonry is the rituals. They are dramatic and complex, with secret signs, handshakes, and words only Masons know. But these are more than just fun party tricks: they serve to teach moral lessons. The ritual of initiation into Freemasonry teaches its members how to be good citizens by way of symbols related to Greek myths (the phoenix rising from its ashes), architecture (the four cardinal virtues), history (Solomon building his temple), and geometry (the Pythagorean theorem). This kind of education was common in Masonic lodges throughout Europe during the 18th century! It wasn’t until 1723, when London Grand Lodge adopted a rule prohibiting any form of public communication regarding masonic activities did their secrets become truly secretive – which is why modern-day conspiracy theorists have so much material with which to work!

The number 13 and its importance to the Masons

The number 13 is significant to the Freemasons. There are 13 degrees in Freemasonry, and it’s no coincidence that there are also 13 original colonies of the United States. The Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Knights of Pythias are also connected to this number.

The number 13 is historically associated with particular groups going back thousands of years. It’s the number associated with Jesus Christ; he was crucified on Good Friday (3/14), which would be written as 3/13 if you used our modern calendar system. 12 disciples followed him during his life and then later spread his teachings after his death.

This same theme can be seen in Greek mythology: Zeus was king over Mount Olympus and had 12 gods under him and 12 goddesses on Mount Olympus (the Titans ruled before Zeus overthrew them). This brings up another point: Zeus had a wife named Hera who detested him having affairs while she stayed home raising their children together—a perfect example of jealousy!

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and most well-known secret societies.

So, what is Freemasonry? It’s a fraternal organization that has been around since the mid-1700s. They have members worldwide, but their headquarters is in London, England. There are millions of Freemasons worldwide and thousands of lodges in cities across America.

The story of how these secret societies got started begins with a man named Hiram Abiff, who was killed by three ruffians while working on King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. When he refused to reveal their secrets or pass them on to his murderers, they killed him. They threw his body into a nearby quarry near Mount Moriah, where it was later recovered by Solomon’s men—the first masons ever recorded as having worked on this temple project.

This story was passed down through generations using allegories such as “The Legend Of Hiram Abiff,” which tells how Hiram refused to divulge information about himself or what he knew about architecture before being killed off-stage at some point during that first week’s work stoppage back when everyone else went home for lunch break only leaving behind their tools lying still unattended;


So, that’s a look into the world of Freemasonry. As you can see, there are many secrets to uncover and much more to learn about this intriguing institution. We hope this article has given you some insight into the Freemasons’ history and culture, as well as how to become a member if so inclined.